Species analysis
Statistical exploration
Classification trees
Pygmy Nuthatch
Occurred the most disproportionately in hexagons with more than 23%
ponderosa pine forest and minor variation in elevation. Likely to occur
in hexagons with any amount of ponderosa pine forest if May
minimum temperature (hex. max.) is -1 to 3� C, especially if July
maximum temperature (hex. med.) is 24-29� C. Occurred in hexagons
with warmer May minimum temperature (hex. max.) where more than
1% canyon grassland and shrubland is present. If ponderosa pine forest
is absent, it may still occur in other suitable habitat if April minimum
temperature (hex. avg.) is -5.68 to -3.10� C. The logistic regression
analysis showed positive or negative association with ponderosa pine
forest, road density, elevation (hex. avg.), number of land cover types,
June minimum temperature (hex. avg.), June precipitation (hex. med.),
July minimum temperature (hex. min.), and-to a lesser degree-
topographic variation and the extent of public land,
Classification trees
Hexagons: using ONHP land cover classification (accuracy score: 93.02)
Squares: using ONHP land cover classification (accuracy score: 91.67)
Hexagons: using AVHRR land cover classification (accuracy score: 91.63)